How to explain this impact of sugar on our hair health?

1. An acidified body
Congélé pizzas, sauces, prepared dishes, refined white sugar, juice, sodas and other soft drinks ... All these processed products are full of sugar, but they also have another common point: they are acidic!
Consuming this type of food therefore promotes the hyperacidity of the body. And since the hair needs a neutral pH to push well, this acidification will strongly disturb the growth process of the hair.
2. More risk of developing type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is such a widespread as it is difficult to live and that would concern until 90% of diabetic people in France. Mainly linked to a low -balanced lifestyle and bad eating habits (too much fat, too much salt and too much sugar), we observe among its consequences a significant hair loss, both in men and in women who suffer.
3. Less vitamin E
Another harmful impact of sugar is that it can interfere with the absorption of proteins in the food and reduce Vitamin E level, or both are essential for hair growth. Little by little, they become brittle, dry and grow less well because they are not fed from the inside with all the proteins and vitamins they need.
Do you eat too sweet? Our advices :
- Favor fresh food and vegetables.
Avoid prepared dishes and fast food.
Play sports to maintain your acid-base balance.
Master your alcohol consumption and avoid tobacco, which also acidify the body.
Go to a alkaline diet (non-acid) to neutralize bodily hyperacidity (acidosis).
Note: alkaline or acidifying foods are not always those that we imagine! Note, for example, that lemon, despite its "acid" taste, is one of the best alkaline foods, while milk is acidifying ... So do not let yourself have the taste of food, at the risk of making food choices against -Productives!
Among the alkaline foods, you can opt your eyes closed for bananas, avocados, dates, lemons, potatoes, chestnuts, melons, ripe tomatoes ... and almost all vegetables, with a mention Special for asparagus, beets and broccoli!