Because if certain hair loss is caused by a large period stress, a change of season or a food deficiency, a large part of the cases of baldness is linked to a hormonal disturbance. And regulate hormonal balance For Stabilize and improve hair health, it's possible!
Explanations and advice.

Hormones, one of the main causes of hair loss
97 % of hair loss in humans are of androgenic origin, That is to say linked to hormones such as testosterone. And Women are not in rest: studies show that 15 to 20 % of their hair falls are also caused by a hormonal disruption.
It actually exists Two types of hormones that influence the hair:
- THE estrogens (female hormones, whose progesterone), which participate in the growth of the hair by extending the Anagène phase.
- Androgens (male hormones, whose testosterone), which can in some cases speed up the life cycle of the hair and cause their premature fall.
For Keep a good life cycle for the hair, it's necessary maintain a balance between estrogens and androgens. But this balance is fragile and the slightest change or hormonal upheaval can change everything.
The male and female hormones are present both in women and in men, but in different proportions.
Women with many estrogens than men (who promote hair growth), they are less affected by androgenic Calvities. However, they undergo many hormonal disturbances during their lifetime and are therefore faced with hair loss of hormonal origin.
What hormonal disturbances can cause hair loss in men and women?
In humans, it is the testosterone which can pose some hair problems throughout his life. THE first effects of this androgenic alopecia are manifested around 20 With a expansion located at the temporal gulfs. It is then the top of the head from the rear that becomes more and more sparse.
If no treatment is put in place, the hair is gradually disappearing, diffuse and permanently.
In women, Three key moments from a hormonal point of view cause hair loss: menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. It is usually the top of the head that is the most affected with an enlargement of the central line. The hair becomes finer in terms of temples and around the ears and the top of the skull becomes sparse.
Androgenic hair loss in humans
"I started losing my hair around 18 and it played a lot on my self -confidence. I am 26 years old today and it's still difficult to live. People laugh and do not understand that it is a real complex. According to my doctor (micronutrition specialist), I have the same testosterone rate as an 80 -year -old man and it would be due, just like my baldness, to a hormonal deregulation. "
(Gabriel B. - Carpenter - Liège)

In question: the too great transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Passed by the scalp, testosterone is transformed into DHT.
The concern: the DHT tackles the hair follicle and generates premature aging of the hair. Little by little, the life cycle of the hair is accelerated and they become fine and fragile, until not pushing at all.
Our advice:
Many believe that they can do nothing to fight against this hair fall, but there are nevertheless solutions. The key: react quickly!
Strengthen your hair, brake their fall and boost it regrows: It is possible, but This usually involves food. Consult your doctor to do a blood test and define adequate treatment.
Then leave a good base by opting for a Supplementation in vitamins, minerals and trace elements that your hair needs to be healthy, from scalp to tips.
THE Intense Krynéo Cures Repair have been made specifically to meet the needs of men. It is Salva, our expert in micronutrition and co-founder of Krynéo, himself suffering from an androgen baldness, who associated the 23 most important natural ingredients for hair fiber in order to bring strength, vitality and brilliance to hair and brake their fall.
Hair loss of hormonal origin in women
THE menstrual cycle in women is like a Russian mountain for hormones:
In ovulation period, That is to say in the middle of the cycle, everything is fine: the woman feels full of energy, she is concentrated, her skin is smooth and her hair are soft and shiny. Thanks to estrogens that are at their highest rate, hair grow faster.
- Once ovulation has passed, A few days before the start of the rules, this is complicated: estrogen levels fall, skin and Hair tends to grease And energy comes down.
- During the few days of menstruation, the estrogen is at the bottom and the body is under the preponderant effect of male hormones. The hair is then fragile, dry and brittle. They fall faster And it is common for a woman to find much more hair than usual on her brush, her cushion or her clothes.

Our advice:
In case of excessive hair loss, do not hesitate to consult your doctor or gynecologist. Also check with them that your contraception - If you have one - is well suited and that it does not accentuate this hormonal imbalance.
During the period of rules, Take particularly care of your hair, In particular by making masks, taking natural food supplements and avoiding attacks (heat during drying, colors, tobacco, etc.).
"I am the mom of an adorable little bit of 3 months, and it is the happiest period of my life. The only downside: I have been losing my hair a lot since childbirth. I have tried many treatments, but nothing works. Reclaiming your body and feeling good again in your skin is already so complicated after pregnancy ... This hair loss mine my morale and I would like to find healthy hair, as before. »»
(Marie-Agnès F.-Accountant-Lyon)
If the woman is under a positive hormonal influence during pregnancy with magnified skin and thicker, shiny and fortified hair, the situation is quite different after childbirth or in the event of a miscarriage. THE Hormonal imbalance suffered by the body postpartum, especially the Falling estrogen production and progesterones, indeed generate their share of consequences, of which Hair loss.
A third of women have a massive hair fall Between two and four months after childbirth, or later in case of breastfeeding. This phenomenon is called "the telogen effluvium of postpartum" and is generally difficult to bear morally for mothers who are already in an overwhelming period, exhausting and rich in emotions.

Our advice:
Rebalance your hormones to find healthy hair. Just as it is advisable to take food supplements before and during pregnancy to support the growth and development of the fetus (iron, vitamin C and vitamin B9, omega-3 ...), it is also important to Offering after childbirth to help the body recover.
THE hop, there alfalfa, THE flax seeds and sage are known to be Hormonal balancers And recommended to remedy the fall of estrogens linked to childbirth. THE Group B vitamins are also crucial because they are overused during pregnancy, often causing deficiencies.
With natural ingredients, the Intense cure repair De Krynéo exceeds 100 % of the recommended daily contributions (AJR) to fill the deficiencies and meet the specific needs of women after pregnancy.
Even if this period of major change and adaptation is not always conducive to relaxation, Try to rest as much as possible And take care of yourself (body and mind). Stress and fatigue can accentuate hair loss.
If postpartum alopecia continues, Consult your doctor.
"From the first signs of menopause, I started losing my hair. My hairdresser also found that they had changed textures, they are thinner and more fragile. He confirmed the role of hormones in this problem. I don't know what to do to find healthy hair. »»
(Lucie B. - Nurse - Rennes)
With menopause, the woman loses 80% of its estrogens While his level of androgens drops only 10 to 30%. Hot flashes, headaches, sleep disturbances, anxiety ... this hormonal imbalance brings a Lot of symptoms which compete in terms of discomfort.

And on the hair health side, there too, the damage is important! Since estrogens are no longer powerful and numerous enough to counterbalance the harmful effects of the DHT on hair fiber, The hair is weakened, brittle, thinner and more dry and grow slower, or more at all. Some women lose up to 2/3 of their hair And many also see an refinement of the hair. This hair fall can start from 4 to 5 years before menopause, during pre-menopause.
Intense Krynéo Cures Repair have been specifically formulated to meet the needs of women. It is Salva, our expert in micronutrition and co-founder of Krynéo, himself suffering from an androgen baldness, who associated the 23 most important natural ingredients for hair fiber in order to bring strength, vitality and brilliance to hair and brake their fall.
How to find healthy hair?
Stress, fatigue, anxiety and bad daily habits (too little sport, not enough sleep, tobacco and high alcohol consumption, etc.) are all factors that are added to the effects of androgens and who accelerate hair loss. Habits to monitor and master, therefore!
And since The health of the hair is based on the absorption in the food of certain nutrients which help to build the hair fiber, it is essential to adopt a varied and balanced diet. Filling your daily needs should be the first reflex to be taken to optimize your capillary health in the short and long term.
Please note: hair loss is generally synonymous with deficiencies. In case you already lose your hair, alone A complementary quality and well -balanced treatment will be able to fill your deficiencies to start on a good health base.
Discover here vitamins and minerals essential to the hair health of men and women.
Even more advice for taking care of your hair
Massage your scalp A few minutes a day with the fingertips to stimulate blood circulation.
Use some Quality shampoos, without silicone and adapted to the nature of your hair.
Avoid or limit the consumption of tobacco, d ’alcohol, of processed products and refined sugar.
Choose a hairbrush With flexible pins.
Avoid what attacks and weakens the hair fiber: colors, styling products, strong heat during drying, too regular port of a helmet, a hat or a hat, etc.
Adopt a healthy, balanced and colorful food, Rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements.