What are the benefits of group B vitamins?
B vitamins play several important roles in our general health:
- They participate in the physical form (by transforming carbohydrates into energy) and mental (by intervening in communication between neurons).
- They promote the proper functioning of the nervous system.
- They are essential for the production of red blood cells and cell regeneration.
- They intervene in an optimal immune system.
- They improve skin health.
Each of these eight vitamins has a direct link on our health and, for some, on the state of our hair. Let's go by their main actions:
Vitamin B1
Essential to the synthesis of energy for all cells, it also promotes the absorption of vitamin B9. It is found in many foods, but its sensitivity to heat compromises its bioavailability.Vitamin B2
Also called "riboflavin", this vitamin is very involved in the production, elasticity and resistance of keratin, the constitutive element of the hair.
Vitamin B3
Indispensable for protein and lipid metabolism, vitamin B3 helps reduce fatigue and contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system. It also protects oxidation cells. It participates in the good health of hair by providing increased energy production and improved blood circulation in the scalp. It allows the delivery of essential nutrients and the hydration of hair follicles, which promotes the growth of strong and resistant hair.
Vitamin B5
Also called "pantothenic acid", vitamin B5 activates tissue metabolism and is essential for the synthesis of cholesterol and vitamin D. It is one of the major constituents of keratin (the main component of hair) and it participates in The regeneration of hair fiber. Its disability causes hair loss.
Vitamin B6
She contributes to the reduction of fatigue and she regulates mood by the synthesis of neurotransmitters. It promotes a healthy scalp.
Vitamin B8
Vitamin B8 contributes to energy metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system. It is particularly important for the beauty of the hair and it prevents graying from the hair. Vitamin B8 deficiency leads to alopecia as well as other diseases (dermatitis, neurological dysfunctions, etc.).
Vitamin B9
Also called "folic acid", vitamin B9 intervenes with vitamin B12 in the synthesis of all cells and DNA. It plays a crucial role in hair growth, since it stimulates cell division in the cells of the hair follicle.
Vitamin B12
Known as "Cobalamine", this vitamin is essential for the metabolism of biomolecules (proteins, lipids, etc.). It also plays an important role in the health of the skin and hair, because it is essential for cell division.
Is it necessary to be supplemented in B vitamins?
Normally no, because vitamins B are in many foods: fish, offal, egg yolk, dairy products, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Whatever your diet (omnivorous, weighing, vegetarian or vegan), it is therefore always possible to fill up on B vitamins.
The only exception to this rule concerns vitamin B12, which is difficult to find sufficient in a vegetarian or vegan diet. For those who do not consume animal flesh, it is therefore strongly advised to take food supplements of B12 vitamins.
According to the general state of health and the age of an individual, the supplementation of vitamins of group B can however be advised. This is particularly the case for the elderly and pregnant women. Great athletes are also likely to be deficient.
Hair loss and vitamin b
THE food deficiencies constitute the First cause of the hair fall, before hormonal disturbances, emotional shocks, stress, fatigue and seasonal changes.
In the event of hair loss, it is therefore always necessary to start with a balance sheet of your vitamin, mineral, amino acids and trace elements, because these are essential for the good health of your hair. To find out if you have sufficient contributions or if you are deficient, a blood test is enough.
In a hair loss situation and if you actually lack some of these nutrients, you must quickly restore your contributions with:
Regarding B vitamins, here is what it is recommended to consume every day to fill the shortcomings and promote better hair health:
Group B vitamins |
Daily contributions recommended in the case of hair loss |
We should consume daily, a choice :
B1 |
2 mg (150 % of AJR) |
■ 145 gr of macadamia ■ 90 gr of sunflower seeds ■ 125 gr of Tahini ■ 200 gr of Brazil ■ 155 gr of ham |
B2 |
2.4 mg (171 % of AJR)
■ 100 gr of offal ■ 500 gr |
B3 |
36 mg (225 % of AJR) |
■ 150 gr of liver ■ 320 gr of gray meat ■ 250 gr of anchovies ■ 360 gr of smoked salmon |
B5 |
18 mg (300 % of AJR) |
■ 140 gr of liver ■ 260 gr of sunflower seeds ■ 600 gr of offal (kidneys, heart ...) |
B6 |
4 mg (285 % of AJR) |
■ 400 gr of muesli ■ 700 gr of potatoes ■ 600 gr of fish ■ 500 gr of nuts |
B8 |
0.45 mg (900 % of AJR) |
■ 240 gr of chicken liver ■ 1100 gr of beef ■ 45 chicken eggs |
B9 |
300 µg (150 % of AJR) |
■ 15 to 20 gr of chicken liver ■ 40 to 55 gr of veal liver ■ 200 to 260 gr of cooked spinach ■ 100 to 130 gr of sunflower seeds ■ 260 to 340 gr of almonds ■ 150 to 180 gr of cooked lenses |
B12 |
3.75 mg (180 % of AJR) |
■ 20 to 25 gr of anchovies ■ 15 to 20 gr of liver ■ 15 to 20 gr of mackerel |
AJR = Recommended daily contributions
It is obviously difficult (see impossible) to consume every day of the year all the nutrients necessary for good hair health. This is why supplementation is indicated to support your nutritious intake and find bright health.
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Did you know ?
If the letter B corresponds to a group of several vitamins (unlike other letters - C, D, E, K ... - which only refer to a vitamin), it is simply because the researchers initially believed that they had discovered a single vitamin ... before realizing that these were actually several different compounds, which are generally found in the same foods.