Chronic but not contagious disease
The psoriasis of the scalp is a chronic skin condition which is characterized by the formation of red, scaly and sometimes thick plates on the scalp. It can affect all ages, including young children. The psoriasis of scalp Present itself in different forms, ranging from light and discreet lesions to larger plates. It can also be associated with other forms of psoriasis on other parts of the body, such as elbows, knees, face or nails.
How to identify psoriasis of the scalp?
Fatigue and a stress repeated can be responsible for light or more intense psoriasis thrusts. In the same way, an emotional shock or an accident are factors that can cause the appearance of the following phenomena:
Erythematous plates : These are red plates of different sizes, which appear on the scalp. They are generally well delimited and can be covered with silver or whitish squams.
Itching and burns: The psoriasis lesions on the scalp cause intense itching and sometimes a burning sensation.
Desquamation: Plates are often associated with a significant scaling, which means that dead skin flakes detach from the scalp and can accumulate in the hair.
Possible complications: In serious cases, psoriasis of the scalp can cause thick plates, persistent itching and bleeding when the plates crack.
The "good" news is that in the vast majority of cases, psoriasis does not cause the Hair loss. It can nevertheless have an impact on hair growth in the most serious situations.
The right gestures to manage disease on a daily basis
- This is a disease that manifests alternately: avoid the use of irritating products at the time of crises and plan your colors during periods of remission.
- Select soft and suitable hair care products.
- Keep your hair as natural as possible and avoid hairstyles that are too tight.
Consult your doctor or dermatologist, He may recommend treatments such as dermocorticoid creams, in local application or, in the most serious cases, oral or injection drugs.
Living with scalp psoriasis
You are not alone ! About 300,000 people suffer from psoriasis in Belgium. It’s not a contagious disease. Do not be embarrassed when you make an appointment with your hairdresser, it is certainly well informed.
Maintain good quality of life, avoid the alcohol and the tobacco.