
3 min
Straw effect, porous hair, dull and brittle, you live a capillary hell and that undermines you.
Is it possible to save hair out of breath, without using extreme solutions? Relax, damaged hair is repaired.
But what routine to set up to find a strong and silky mane? Between care and food supplements, you do not know very well which option to choose… Krynéo helps you find your way in the jungle of hair advice.

Your hair is weakened, why?


The role of keratin

The hair is made up of a protein, keratin. It brings elasticity, flexibility and shine. Due to our lifestyles, the use of aggressive products or simply a hormonal imbalance, intertwined keratin chains can be damaged. The links that unify them are broken. The hair becomes brittle.
The hydrolipidic shield

The hydrolipidic film is made up of sebum, sweat and water. It is present everywhere on our body. When he is abused, he no longer plays his role as a protective barrier. Our hair becomes more vulnerable.
Cuticles, protection tiles

These small scales' -shaped cells constitute the outer layer of our hair and overlap like the tiles of a roof. If the cuticles are damaged, it is the door open to attacks and hair degradation.
The causes are of various origins and require suitable reactions.
Here are some tracks to help you in your reflection.



Be attentive to your lifestyle


The stress is an important factor. It can affect cells and disrupt the growth cycle of our hair. It causes a drop in blood irrigation, which leads to a limitation of nutrient intake to hair follicles and a slowdown in hair renewal.

Fatigue can have a negative effect, weakening the immune system, and being responsible for degradation, even hair loss.

A food unbalanced or deficiency in vitamins and minerals can create a reduction in the production of amino acids, necessary for the hydration of cuticles and lead to the weakening of the hair.


Review your hair routine

Too often washing hair or using Too aggressive products can reduce the production of natural sebum. Sebum helps protect them by providing them hydration and essential nutrition. When washed too frequently washed, the hair is drier and likely to break, as the sebum is eliminated.
The same goes for using the hair dryer and the straightening/curling iron. A poorly dosed heat source can be very damaging and go so far as to burn your pretty wicks.
It is also important to pay attention to the way you go. Avoid too tight hairstyles that exert tension and can damage your hair.



Watch out for external attacks


Temperature variation, Sun exposure, drought, humidity ... Each change of season often causes an imbalance leading to a weakening of hair.

Air pollution is also an enemy to fight. The harmful particles and the chemicals present in the air can plug the pores and stifle the follicle, giving rise to a degradation of the hair cells.


Genetics and hormones, two important factors

Some of us are born with a supplied mane and thick hair. Others, with fine, more fragile and sparse hair.
What are the elements in question? Genetics and hormones. We inherit part of the genetic heritage of our ancestors and we are unfortunately not all equal to nature.


Food care or supplements, how to repair my hair?


We opt without hesitation for a balanced combination of the 2!
  • A good care routine, with oils, masks and soft and natural products, to help hair regenerate.
  • A cure that contains essential vitamins and nutrients, to help your body repair and reboost your hair fibers in depth. There Intense cure repair de Krynéo contains 23 highly dosed ingredients, as keratin, of zinc, factor in cell growth, selenium… To repair damaged hair. It nourishes and strengthens your hair thanks to a complete intake of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids essential to the growth of the hair and the health of scalp.


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